Article type:

Using Science to Develop a Sustainable Management Policy for Acid Sulfate Soils in Queensland, Australia

Ahern, C R; Powell, B E


Book title:
Application and sustainability of technologies [electronic resource] : conference proceedings, Sixth International Conference Acid Rock Drainage

14-17 July, 2003


Place published:
Cairns, Qld

Type of article:

Access date:

acid mine drainage; waste; soil; Queensland; government policy; manuals; guidelines; land use planning

Abstract summary:
Coastal acid sulfate soils (ASS) are wetland soils and unconsolidated sediments that contain iron sulphides which, when exposed to atmospheric oxygen in the presence of water, form sulphuric acid. ASS form in protected low energy environments such as barrier estuaries and coastal lakes and commonly occur in low lying coastal lands as Holocene marine muds and sands. When disturbed, the iron sulphides in these soils can oxidise and produce large volumes of sulphuric acid (essentially similar chemistry to acid rock drainage with mines) resulting in the subsequent release of toxic levels of iron, aluminium, manganese and possibly heavy metals. This results in detrimental effects on aquatic biota, plants, animals and steel/concrete structures and on human health in the surrounding environment. Scientists led the education and public awareness program showing infrastructure and environmental damages arising from ASS in Queensland. Using results from mapping and research, they convinced policy makers, industry and politicians to accept the need for legislation founded on good science. The resulting 'State Planning Policy 2/02: Planning and Managing Development Involving Acid Sulfate Soils' identifies the State's interest in acid sulfate soils. The Queensland Government considers that development involving acid sulfate soils in low-lying coastal areas should be planned and managed to avoid potential adverse effects on the natural and built environment (including infrastructure) and human health. SPP 2/02 states where the policy applies and when a development application will trigger the policy. It can also be used to assist local governments in preparing their planning schemes under the 'Integrated Planning Act 1997'. The SPP 2/02 comes with a 'State Planning Policy 2/02 Guideline' to provide advice and technical information on interpreting and implementing the SPP 2/02. This guideline has legal status in assisting in the interpretation of SPP 2/02. Those seeking more detailed technical information can now also access the 'Soil Management Guidelines' and ASS 'Sampling Guideline', available from the Department of Natural Resources and Mines website. These are some of a series of chapters being developed for the 'Queensland Acid Sulfate Soil Technical Manual'.
