Sample articles

Minserve Group
Minserve Group
Report Type: Report for ACARP Project C9030, Phase 1 report This report presents a collation of existing data on coal tailings and tailings dams, collected under ACARP C9030- Decommissioning of Coal Tailings Dams. Data was extracted primarily from internal records of fifteen minesites in the Hunter Valley and Bowen Basin and reports on previous related research projects. Test data on capping spoil and topsoil materials from the Bowen Basin were obtained from ACARP projects 1629 and 4011 on landscape parameters for erosion and water control.

Noble, R M; Duivenvoorden, L J; Rummenie, S K; Long, P E; Fabbro, L D
: Queensland Department of Natural Resources
Report Type: Summary Report

Isbell, R F
Soils and Land Use Series
: CSIRO, Division of Soils

Csurhes, S M
St Lucia
Report Type: Fourth Year Project
A glasshouse germination trial and a laboratory chemical extraction trial were used to assess viable and total seed distribution with depth in a red podzolic and brown clay taken from the Newlands mine lease. Such information is required for devising an optimum soil stripping program for the establishment of native species on mined land. In the germination trial, viable seed content decreased rapidly with depth. A total of 26 plant species were identified growing in the soils, with grass species dominating.

Bowen, G D
Environmental Workshop
Kalgoorlie, W.A
: Australian Mining Industry Council
Microorganisms have a large impact on ecosystems, both by direct effects and on the plant and by indirect effects. In this paper I address some of these topics, focussing on landscape recovery after mining or other disturbances.